7 Days in Brief
- Lowest -1°C (Oct. 07)
- Precipitation 18.52mm
- Highest 9°C (Oct. 09)
- Humidity 74% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Oct. 08)
- Sunshine hours 11 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Northern Ostrobothnia For The Next 7 Days
Thu 03/10
1° / 8°
Scattered Clouds
2.46 km/h
1° / 8°
- Day/Night: 7°/2°
- Morning/Afternoon: 2°/3°
- Pressure: 1018 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:31 AM/22:35 PM
- Wind: 2.46 km/h
- Humidity: 54%
Fri 04/10
2° / 8°
Light Rain
5.19 km/h
2° / 8°
- Day/Night: 7°/5°
- Morning/Afternoon: 3°/4°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:34 AM/22:32 PM
- Wind: 5.19 km/h
- Humidity: 90%
Sat 05/10
0° / 7°
Clear Sky
4.13 km/h
0° / 7°
- Day/Night: 7°/1°
- Morning/Afternoon: 0°/2°
- Pressure: 1014 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:37 AM/22:28 PM
- Wind: 4.13 km/h
- Humidity: 53%
Sun 06/10
0° / 6°
Light Rain
2.87 km/h
0° / 6°
- Day/Night: 5°/1°
- Morning/Afternoon: 0°/3°
- Pressure: 1018 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:40 AM/22:24 PM
- Wind: 2.87 km/h
- Humidity: 68%
Mon 07/10
-1° / 4°
Overcast Clouds
3.37 km/h
-1° / 4°
- Day/Night: 3°/1°
- Morning/Afternoon: -1°/2°
- Pressure: 1022 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:43 AM/22:21 PM
- Wind: 3.37 km/h
- Humidity: 55%
Tue 08/10
0° / 6°
Rain And Snow
3.42 km/h
0° / 6°
- Day/Night: 4°/6°
- Morning/Afternoon: 1°/6°
- Pressure: 1017 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:46 AM/22:17 PM
- Wind: 3.42 km/h
- Humidity: 98%
Wed 09/10
7° / 9°
Moderate Rain
4.54 km/h
7° / 9°
- Day/Night: 7°/9°
- Morning/Afternoon: 8°/8°
- Pressure: 1006 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:50 AM/22:13 PM
- Wind: 4.54 km/h
- Humidity: 97%
7-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
7-Day Rainfall Forecast for Northern Ostrobothnia
Northern Ostrobothnia's weather
- Ahokyla
- Haapamaki
- Hirvaskoski
- Jakkukyla
- Jokikyla
- Jurmu
- Karvonen
- Keskikyla
- Kipina
- Koyhanpera
- Lamminpera
- Maatalanvaar
- Metsakyla
- Murtovaara
- Oijarvi
- Oulu
- Paivarinne
- Pattijoki
- Puhos
- Pyhasalmi
- Revonlahti
- Sanginjoki
- Siira
- Tuomioja
- Vuotunki
- Aittojarvi
- Alpua
- Haapajarvi
- Haapavesi
- Haukipudas
- Himankakyla
- Ii
- Ikonen
- Inkee
- Jarvikyla
- Jaurakkajarvi
- Jokijarvi
- Jonku
- Juorkuna
- Kalajoki
- Karhukangas
- Karinkanta
- Karpankyla
- Kayla
- Kello
- Kempele
- Kiiminki
- Kiiskila
- Kitka
- Kokkokyla
- Kopsa
- Koskela
- Kurtti
- Kuusamo
- Kylmala
- Lampinsaari
- Liminka
- Livo
- Maliskyla
- Martinniemi
- Metsala
- Mieluskyla
- Mikkola
- Muhospera
- Nivala
- Nuoritta
- Oksava
- Olhava
- Oulainen
- Oulujoki
- Oulunsalo
- Paavola
- Pajuniemi
- Parkkila
- Pateniemi
- Piehinki
- Pintamo
- Pudasjarvi-Kurenalus
- Putti
- Pyhajarvi
- Pyhankoski
- Raahe
- Raudaskyla
- Rautlo
- Riihikyla
- Rokuanvaara
- Rukajarvi
- Saloinen
- Sanginkyla
- Sarajarvi
- Sievi
- Taivalkoski
- Tannila
- Temmes
- Tynka
- Tyrnava
- Vasarapera
- Yli-olhava
- Ylivieska
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Northern Ostrobothnia over the next 7 days?
Over the next 7 days, Northern Ostrobothnia is expected to experience highs averaging around -1°C to 9°C, with the warmest day likely to be around 9°C. The nighttime lows are expected to be between 1°C and 9°C
2.How much rain is forecasted in Northern Ostrobothnia for the coming week?
Throughout the week, Northern Ostrobothnia is expected to receive a total of about 0mm to 13.59mm of rain.
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Northern Ostrobothnia s' weather
Broken Clouds
It feels like 5°
- Sunrise/Sunset 11:31 AM / 22:35 PM
- Min/Max 5°/5°
- Humidity 60%
- Pressure 1018 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 4.93 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 210.29
- NH3 0.04
- NO 0
- NO2 0.51
- O3 40.05
- PM10 0.72
- PM25 0.5
- SO2 0.01
Sunrise / Sunset
11:31 AM
22:35 PM