7 Days in Brief
- Lowest 6°C (Oct. 04)
- Precipitation 13.84mm
- Highest 12°C (Oct. 05)
- Humidity 72% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Oct. 03)
- Sunshine hours 11 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Uusimaa For The Next 7 Days
Thu 03/10
7° / 11°
Light Rain
5.47 km/h
7° / 11°
- Day/Night: 10°/9°
- Morning/Afternoon: 7°/10°
- Pressure: 1017 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:29 AM/22:45 PM
- Wind: 5.47 km/h
- Humidity: 71%
Fri 04/10
6° / 11°
Clear Sky
4.4 km/h
6° / 11°
- Day/Night: 10°/9°
- Morning/Afternoon: 7°/10°
- Pressure: 1018 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:32 AM/22:42 PM
- Wind: 4.4 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Sat 05/10
7° / 12°
Broken Clouds
4.53 km/h
7° / 12°
- Day/Night: 11°/9°
- Morning/Afternoon: 7°/10°
- Pressure: 1019 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:34 AM/22:39 PM
- Wind: 4.53 km/h
- Humidity: 65%
Sun 06/10
6° / 11°
Light Rain
3.79 km/h
6° / 11°
- Day/Night: 9°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 6°/11°
- Pressure: 1021 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:37 AM/22:36 PM
- Wind: 3.79 km/h
- Humidity: 65%
Mon 07/10
10° / 12°
Light Rain
4.92 km/h
10° / 12°
- Day/Night: 12°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/11°
- Pressure: 1021 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:39 AM/22:33 PM
- Wind: 4.92 km/h
- Humidity: 80%
Tue 08/10
10° / 12°
Broken Clouds
4.32 km/h
10° / 12°
- Day/Night: 12°/12°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/12°
- Pressure: 1020 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:41 AM/22:30 PM
- Wind: 4.32 km/h
- Humidity: 72%
Wed 09/10
11° / 12°
Moderate Rain
8.93 km/h
11° / 12°
- Day/Night: 12°/12°
- Morning/Afternoon: 12°/12°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 11:44 AM/22:27 PM
- Wind: 8.93 km/h
- Humidity: 89%
7-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
7-Day Rainfall Forecast for Uusimaa
Uusimaa's weather
- Borga
- Espoo
- Haavisto
- Hango
- Hyvinkaa
- Juornaa
- Kauklahti
- Klaukkala
- Kytajarvi
- Loviisa
- Muurala
- Myyrmaki
- Niittykumpu
- Nurmijarvi
- Osterby
- Pojo
- Porvoo
- Rajamaki
- Sammatti
- Siuntio
- Tenala
- Traskby
- Vantaa
- Virkby
- Airola
- Askola
- Boxby
- Bromarv
- Ekenas
- Fantsnas
- Fiskars
- Hakansvik
- Halkia
- Hameenkyla
- Hasu
- Helsinki
- Hyryla
- Idlax
- Inkoo
- Jarvela
- Jarvenpaa
- Joddbole
- Jokela
- Jokikunta
- Karjaa
- Karjalohja
- Karkkila
- Kauniainen
- Kellokoski
- Kerava
- Koskenkyla
- Kyrkslatt
- Lapinjarvi
- Liljendal
- Lohja
- Mantsala
- Meilahden Sairaala
- Munkkiniemi
- Myllykyla
- Myrskyla
- Nahkela
- Nickby
- Niipperi
- Noykkio
- Nummela
- Nummi
- Nyby
- Obbnas
- Ojakkala
- Ostersundom
- Pellinge
- Pernaja
- Porkkala
- Porlammi
- Pornainen
- Pukaro
- Pukkila
- Pusula
- Ruotsinpyhtaa
- Salinkaa
- Saukkola
- Seurasaari
- Sipoo
- Sjundea
- Snappertuna
- Sondby
- Spjutsund
- Stromfors
- Sundo
- Svarta
- Tammisaari
- Tenhola
- Tolkis
- Tuusula
- Upinniemi
- Valko
- Veikkola
- Vihti
- Vihtijarvi
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Uusimaa over the next 7 days?
Over the next 7 days, Uusimaa is expected to experience highs averaging around 6°C to 12°C, with the warmest day likely to be around 12°C. The nighttime lows are expected to be between 9°C and 12°C
2.How much rain is forecasted in Uusimaa for the coming week?
The cumulative rainfall for Uusimaa over the next 7 days is forecasted to be in the range of 0mm to 11.13mm.
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Uusimaa s' weather
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 3°
- Sunrise/Sunset 11:29 AM / 22:45 PM
- Min/Max 6°/8°
- Humidity 78%
- Pressure 1016 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 27.97 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 233.65
- NH3 0.06
- NO 0
- NO2 2.16
- O3 56.51
- PM10 1.26
- PM25 0.87
- SO2 0.31
Sunrise / Sunset
11:29 AM
22:45 PM